Hayesville, North Carolina Part 2

 It is now Columbus Day, Monday, October 12th, our last day in North Carolina before heading back home.

After breakfast mom got on her hiking boots and packed the backpack with bottled water and snack for both of us. She loaded me into the back seat of the truck and off we went. Today's destination, Tallulah Gorge in Georgia. Mom has wanted to go there for awhile and this was her day.

This was the view from the Visitor's Center before we headed down the North Rim Overlook Trail. 


This was our first look down into the gorge. After more rain overnight the river was really rushing.

The views were great most of the time.

Mom's camera has a 40x zoom and she got this photo of the south Rim Overlook Trail. She told me we would get there later on.

We saw this near one of the overlooks. It was used by some guy who did a tightrope walk across the gorge.

Mom read this to me. It sounds like this was pretty impressive to see.

Near the tower we stopped at another overlook, I was not feeling photogenic. 

Mom saw this sign and said "Let's go!"

This was part of the trail. Look closely, you can see a small river running down the right side of the trail. It was very muddy and mucky but we didn't mind. Mom had on her waterproof hiking boots and I know she keeps a towel in the truck for drying me off after our adventures.

The views were just amazing.

Some clouds rolled in but mom was still able to get this shot of people on the suspension bridge over the gorge. Dogs are not allowed down there. It is 500 stair steps down to the bridge and then another 500 down to the canyon floor. The stairs are made of steel grate, not good for puppy paws.

Here mom got a good shot of people on the South Rim Overlook Trail.

As we neared the end of the North Rim Trail looking down the gorge was pretty impressive.

At the start of the gorge there is this dam.


At the dam I finally let mom get a photo of me, I was happy, it had been a good hike so far. Unfortunately, to get to the South Rim Trail we would have to go up a flight of steel grate stairs and then cross the gorge on a bridge with 4 lanes of traffic doing about 50 mph. Mom didn't like that idea so we headed back to the car.

It was nice and sunny back at the cabin. Mom went out and took this photo of the place. Its not very big, one loft bedroom upstairs. The only bathroom is downstairs behind the kitchen. The screened in porch was great. 

Can you see me? I was watching mom to make sure she didn't leave without me. Since she had been loaded the truck I knew we would be leaving soon. I know there is another road trip soon because mom told me were would be going to her daughter's for Thanksgiving. The little people there love me!

Mom's Note: The Thanksgiving trip got cancelled after my son in-law was exposed to COVID-19. There are 3 other road trips planned before the end of March, stay tuned.  


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