Hayesville, North Carolina, Part 1

Shortly after we got back from our Sarasota weekend mom started doing it again. She started making lists, packing her coffee and kibble for me.

Of course I got stressed out and had a bout of stress colitis. Mom wasn't happy but she knew it could be fixed. She started giving the stuff Dr. Lee prescribed for me and it calmed me down and things got back to normal,,,,sort of. 

When we left our home in Jacksonville it was beautiful, we saw a great sunrise as we headed north on I-95. Once we turned onto I-16 in Georgia it was a different story.  Fog, lots and lots of fog.

Awhile later when we got off to take the back roads to the cabin the sun came out and mom could actually see where she was going.

She pointed out the beautiful farm houses, the cattle ranches, the pecan farms, the chicken farms. I didn't care, I hadn't eaten my breakfast and my tummy was upset. Mom kept stopping to get me some water and try to get me to eat a cookie but being the stubborn girl I am I refused all the treats.

I was really happy when we got to the cabin. It had been a long car trip due to all the stops mom made to check on me. What should have been maybe 7-1/2 hours had turned into a 9-hour drive. Mom was also very happy when we arrived.

As we walked up to the door leading to the screened in porch mom commented on all the leaves and how neat it was. I just wanted to get inside as it had started to rain.

Once I checked the place out with mom, I laid on the screened in porch while she unloaded the truck. The first thing she got out was my elevated bowl holder and then she got me some nice cold water. She even fed me early since she knew I would be hungry, but I didn't eat just yet.

As it started to get chilly on the porch, I moved just inside the door and laid on the rug.  Mom had brought my bed but I don't like it. 

After while I started to feel better, but mom was ignoring me. She was busy unpacking for our long weekend. I jumped up on the hearth, "Hey mom, look! I'm just as mean as this bear!".  It worked, she stopped what she was doing and sat down to give me some love. I sure have her wrapped around my paw, all four of them truth be known. 

On the 10th we headed out in the pouring rain to see some big waterfall. Whitewater Falls is the tallest waterfall east of the Mississippi. Stupid Google Maps kept getting us lost, at one point it told mom to turn down an unpaved dead end road, go over 1 mile and turn right.

After a lot of driving mom gave up and told the map thing to get us home. It took us from North Carolina into South Carolina, west into Georgia and then north back into North Carolina. We drove for over 3 hours and never got where we wanted to go. Mom was mad with Google. 

On Sunday, the 11th we headed out in light rain to see three waterfalls: Dry Falls, Bridal Veil Falls and Sequoia Falls. 

Mom pulled into this over look to take photos of how pretty is was.

Thankfully the rain stopped for awhile so mom got some nice photos.

After about an hour of driving we got into this gorge and there was a river running along side the road. Since we had gotten so much rain the water was really rushing, it was very loud. Mom check the weather at one point and they said we had gotten 4-inches of rain and more was coming.

The traffic was really heavy since it was Columbus Weekend. We got to Dry Falls but there were cars lined up in the parking area waiting for a spot, we had to skip that waterfall.

A little bit down the road was Bridal Veil Falls. Legend has it that if a maiden walks behind the falls at the right time of the year she will soon be married. Mom says people used to be able to drive behind the falls but now you can only walk behind them.

Again it was obvious that all the rain had really increased the water flow. Too bad we didn't get any rain in Alabama back in June.

Mom wanted to get a photo of me but I wanted no part of her paparazzi efforts. 

About 1/2 mile down the road we entered Highlands, North Carolina and arrived at our last stop for the day.

Sequoia Falls isn't really a waterfall, its a dam. But it was still pretty to see. From here we headed back home to enjoy the fire. 

Tomorrow is a new day and I have no idea what mom has planned for us, but since it is our last day in North Carolina I'm sure it will be good. 



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