Sunday Hike at Fort Caroline National Memorial
After we got home from our MLK weekend trip mom decided that we needed to go hiking every weekend so that we are in shape for our March trip. On Sunday, January 24th mom loaded me in the truck with her friend and co-worker Hannah and we headed off to Fort Caroline National Memorial. After a bit we stopped so I could have a water break. Mom wanted to take my picture but I was too interested in all the other people. We passed this really neat looking old Oak tree. There were so many different smells on the trails, dogs and people and animals I never knew of. At one point we stopped to rest, there was a good view of the St. John's River. Just off the trail was this headstone marking the grave of a Sgt. Spearing. He was a soldier in the Confederate Army. Mom and Hannah spent some time wondering how he came to be buried here. It is nice that people still place flowers on his grave. At another rest area there was this marsh view. I couldn't really see much becau...