Another Beach Walk
We've been home a week now and mom decided that we needed to meet her friend Marian for another sunrise walk on the beach. We get up real early for these walks in the middle of the summer. Today mom got me up at 4:00 am as we need to be in the car by 5:15 and she wants me to have a potty walk and eat breakfast. It is still a little dark when we arrive at the beach at 6:00 am. Mom loves the sunrises where there are sunbeams across the sky. A little while later the sun came up over the ocean. This was the start of a very hot day. Of course I posed for mom, I'm getting good at this. I was glad that she had her Camelbak thing because I was thirsty. Since it was so warm, even at this early time, we didn't stay as long as last time. Like the first time, we saw more sea turtle tracks. Mom wasn't sure this one had laid any eggs as there was no telltale mound. Mom saw this nest staked out way up by the stairs to this house. She said ...