Fall in North Carolina and New Home, Part 2

When we got home from North Carolina 
mom went nuts packing everything up. We had gotten back on the 14th of October and were moving on the 23rd. Mom had a lot to do. 

I was unhappy. Mom was busy packing every morning and every night after work. On the 16th and 17th she took truck loads of our stuff to the new house. On the 17th she took me with her as she spent a few hours there getting the kitchen unpacked and set up.  

Mom had kept me on my normal dose of Gabapentin from the trip until the move, but that did not help. I got so upset and stressed out that I ate some carpet.

These are only 2 of the 6 spots where I ate carpet trying to make my self throw up. Now mom has to pay the rental people almost $700 for the damage I did. She was not happy with me. My vet told mom to increase me Gabapentin dosage and that helped.

The morning of our move came. Mom got up really early and we headed over to the house. She walked me and then left me there in my crate. She didn't want me to freak out as all our stuff was being moved out. 

Once the movers left mom let me out of my crate. I ran around and sniffed all the boxes stacked in all the rooms. It was all our stuff. Mom made sure my bed and my toys were in the living room so I would feel at home.

This was mom's/our new bed frame. Mom had to put it together and then wait for the new mattress to be delivered. For the first couple of weeks we slept on our old bed in one of the guest rooms.

Mom worked real hard on getting everything unpacked. She took 2 days off from work to get it all accomplished. Mom has OCD and hates clutter and disorganization. 

By Monday morning things were looking a lot better in our little home.  It is smaller than our condo was but it has 3 bedrooms so mom's children and their children can stay with us now, just not all at once. Everyone calls it "cozy". 

Mom really loves out cozy home and I am enjoying it also.

Two weeks after we moved in there was a big nor'easter and our backyard flooded. Mom had oak vinyl plank flooring installed through out the house right before we moved in ans she was afraid we would get water in the house.

Since this weekend mom learned that the city put a drain somewhere in the back and she is trying to get them to come out and clean the drain. She also got a rider on her insurance policy which covers us from water damage due to a backed up storm drain. Mom is really smart like that.

A few weeks after we moved in mom had a house warming party and invited lots of friends to come and see our new to us home. Mom even had the entire house decorated for Christmas early. I got to stay out of my crate as long as I behaved. I made mom so proud of me. All these strange people eating food and I didn't beg or try to hump anyone. 

Mom is going to start a new blog about all the work she wants to do to the house. It was a rental for many years and it needs some love, inside and out. She will let you all know when that is up and running. 


  1. It was very stressful for you Mea'Ola, coming back from vacation and then moving to a new home. Poor darling, you were very confused about what was going on.
    It's great that you have such a wonderful new home now and can enjoy your yard without any concern for bad behaved neighbors.
    Happy New Year to you and your mom, Mea'Ola!!!


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